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10 Game-Changing Tactics to Diversify Your Marketing Presence

Recently, when Meta (yep, the big bosses behind Facebook, Instagram, and Threads) decided to take a brief hiatus, it sent more than a few of us into a mini-crisis mode. If you're one of the lucky few who didn't bat an eyelid, you're ahead of the game. For the rest of us—entrepreneurs, influencers, the whole lot—it was a stark reminder of how little control we have over these platforms. 

The truth bomb that was dropped during this social silence? We don't own these platforms. Shocking, right? We play by their rules, post what they want us to post, and they can pull the plug on our success anytime they fancy. 

So, what’s a business owner to do when you can’t put all your eggs in the Meta basket?

Diversify, Diversify, Diversify

In an ideal world, we'd throw cash at the problem, snagging ads and visibility like it's going out of fashion. But back here in reality, where budgets are tight and dreams are big, we lean heavily on social media. If you are a Facebook, Instagram & Threads-only business, it’s time to diversify!

1. Explore New Platforms

Diversifying your social media presence is crucial. Being active on multiple platforms ensures that your business remains visible, even if one goes down. Explore TikTok, LinkedIn, or any other platform that aligns with your brand and audience. It's all about casting a wider net to capture more leads and engagement.

2. Email Marketing

Email marketing is like having a secret passage straight to your audience. Start building an email list and send out newsletters that keep your audience engaged and informed. It's personal, direct, and, most importantly, under your control.

3. Blogging

Blogging isn't just alive; it's thriving. It allows you to demonstrate your knowledge, showcase your products or services, and improve your SEO. A well-maintained blog can attract new visitors through Google and Pinterest, opening doors to a vast new audience.

4. Podcasting

Podcasts offer a unique way to connect with your audience. By hosting or guesting on podcasts, you can share your expertise and direct listeners to your products or services. It's a growing medium that's less affected by the whims of social media platforms.

5. Affiliates, Ambassadors, and VIP Customers

Create programs that encourage your most loyal customers to promote your brand. Whether it's through affiliate links, ambassador roles, or simply sharing their love for your products, this approach can extend your reach and build trust among new audiences.

6. Ask for Referrals

Never underestimate the power of a happy customer. Encourage them to spread the word and offer incentives, like discounts or gifts, for referrals. It's one of the most effective ways to grow your business organically.

7. Networking

Networking, whether online or in-person, is vital for business growth. Attend industry events, join local business groups, or participate in webinars. These connections can lead to partnerships, sales, and even mentorship opportunities.

8. Websites

Your website is the only online space you truly own. Use it to its full potential by regularly updating your content, showcasing your products or services, and providing valuable information to your visitors. It's your business's online storefront, open 24/7.

9. Be Visible on Google

If you haven't claimed your Google My Business listing yet, now's the time. It enhances your visibility on Google searches and maps, allowing potential customers to find you more easily. Plus, it's a free and powerful tool to improve your online presence.

10. Collaborations

Collaborating with other businesses can open up new avenues for growth. Whether it's co-hosting an event, running a joint promotion, or creating content together, collaborations can introduce your brand to new audiences and add value to your existing customers.

If your marketing strategy was feeling a bit too cozy in its social media nest, consider this your wake-up call. It’s time to spread out, explore new territories, and ensure that no single platform hiccup can throw you off your game. 

Keep your brand visible, accessible, and engaging across multiple channels, and you'll navigate the ever-changing digital landscape like a pro.

Need a hand getting your marketing ducks in a row? The Social Media Content Planner is your go-to resource for staying organized and on point. Or hit me up for a brainstorming session. Let’s make your marketing unshakeable, no matter what social media throws our way.