2024 Word Of The Year

Choosing a "Word of the Year" has become a popular practice for individuals, businesses, and organizations over traditional ‘New Year Resolutions’ for many years now. 

Over the years, I’ve tried to make resolutions and have lost interest and momentum by February or March (or maybe even the second week of January!) 

However, when I became an entrepreneur in 2014, I heard about fellow entrepreneurs and business owners choosing a word of the year or a theme instead of making resolutions. I decided that choosing a guiding word of the year worked much better for me and my lifestyle!

Over the years, some of the words that I have chosen have been Believe, More, Simplify, Work Smarter and Not Harder, No Excuse, Balance and LESS.

Why use a ‘Word Of The Year’?

Here are some reasons why people choose a Word of the Year as opposed to making resolutions:

  • Clarity and Focus.

  • Inspiration.

  • Simplicity.

  • Motivation.

  • Personal Growth.

  • Reflection and Goal Setting.

Forgetting the traditional New Year’s resolutions—along with the stress of selecting the perfect one—and instead choosing a focus word has been better for me!

My 2024 Word Of The Year

When thinking about 2024, I honestly wasn’t sure I would choose a word because the last few years didn’t exactly go as planned. I couldn’t even remember my 2023 word during my team meeting in November. 

I mulled over a few words to guide me in 2024. Flexibility, for the lifestyle I want to live. Processes for getting systems in place. Reach, for reaching new audiences and launching new services in 2024. 

This coming year is my 10th year in business, so I knew it had to be something really special. 

Once all my short-term social media management contracts wrapped up for the year and I had some time to rest, there was a word that kept coming back to me. It kept appearing when I mulled over plans and wrote down goals for 2024. It’s a word that I could use both professionally and personally. 

That word is: REDISCOVER.

A few years ago, when the world and our province re-opened after the first lockdown, the province of Nova Scotia set out a campaign to rediscover our province and everything it has to offer, and it really hit home. It led me to create The Explore Like A Tourist Nova Scotia Travel Guide on my own journey to rediscover what was waiting for me right in our own backyard. 

As I’m stepping into year 10 of my business, I think the same thing needs to happen with KA Social Media. It’s time to rediscover why I opened the business in the first place, what I like about the services I offer, what is going well and what needs some improvement! 

This powerful word carries with it the essence of exploration, growth, and the rediscovery of what truly matters in my life.

Personal Rediscovery:

In my personal life, this Word Of The Year serves as a compass. It's an invitation to dive into forgotten passions, revisit old dreams, and reconnect with the core of who I am and who I want to be. 

The journey we call life often leads us down various paths, and sometimes, we may lose sight of aspects of ourselves that once brought joy and fulfillment. This year, I am committed to embracing the adventure of self-discovery, peeling back the layers to reveal the authentic me that may have been obscured by the demands of daily life. 

Rediscover isn't just about reclaiming past interests; it's an invitation to embrace change and to evolve with intention. It's acknowledging that personal growth is not a linear path but a dynamic process of self-discovery. I look forward to the surprises and revelations that this intentional exploration will undoubtedly unveil.

Professional Rediscovery:

Professionally, Rediscover takes on a strategic significance. In the fast-paced world of social media, it's easy to become entrenched in routine and lose sight of the innovative and creative spark that drives success. 

This year, I aim to rekindle that spark by exploring new approaches, new strategies, new processes, and new services—seeking fresh perspectives and challenging myself to think beyond the confines of the familiar. 

Rediscover is a call to break free from stagnation, embrace change, and unearth untapped potential within my professional endeavours.

This year, I pledge to challenge the status quo, to re-examine established processes, and to foster an environment of continuous learning. It's about shaking off the dust of familiarity and seeking out new perspectives, unearthing creative solutions to old challenges.

Rediscover prompts me to view setbacks not as obstacles but as opportunities for growth. It's an acknowledgment that stagnation is the enemy of progress, and by embracing change, I can unlock potential within my professional objectives.

As I embark on this year-long journey of rediscovery, I invite you to join me. Let's embrace the uncertainties, celebrate the victories, and cherish the lessons that come with rediscovering ourselves and our potential. Here's to a year of exploration, growth, and the joy of uncovering the beauty within and around us.

If you have chosen a word or theme for the year, I would love to hear about it in the comments below!


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